DIY Round Rope Rug

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I can’t get enough of these round rope rugs, but man are they expensive if you want to buy them somewhere! So I found a way to make them that won’t break the bank, and it’s super easy which is always a plus!

Here’s what you’ll need!

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  • Rope - I ended up ordering two coils of 1/2 in. hemp rope

  • Liquid Nails - I also we through two packages of liquid nails to glue it all down

  • Caulking Gun

  • Tarp - I used one that was 5x7

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Step 1 - Find the center of your tarp and put some glue there.

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Step 2 - Begin coiling the rope in your hands and then press it down where the glue is.

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Step 3 - Take your glue and put it around the edges, and glue the rope to the tarp as you continue to coil it. Continue this until you’ve used all of your rope!

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Tip! - If you need to pause your project, or want to save the glue for later, you can find a nail or screw to put in the top of your liquid nails so that it will last till the next time you use it!

Once you finish glueing on all the rope, let it dry.

Then you can go around and cut the excess tarp off, and your done!

I put our rug outside on our little patio and it fits perfectly! You can also put the rug inside as well, I’m sure it looks great if you have hardwood flooring!

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