DIY Boho Wood Mirror

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Listen to this, this project only cost me about $30!!! Thats crazy because I’ve seen this same looking mirror at stores for over $100!! I’m gonna share with you just how easy it is to create this!

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First - You’ll need a mirror. I’ve had this mirror for so long, I think I got it from target for $5-$10. You don’t need a fancy mirror or anything, could be a mirror that you already have! I went and pulled off the frame that it was glued to, cleaned it up so I could use it.

Here’s a mirror I found at Target right now for $7! Mirror

Next, you’ll need..

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I had a bigger piece of wood, so I split it in half. Then take your table saw and put the blade so that it is a quarter inch high. Then run your wood through and it will cut a groove in your wood so that the mirror will fit in it. If you have a thicker mirror, just run it through again to make it wider.

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Put your mirror in to see if it fits. Then you can measure your top and bottom pieces for the mirror. Once you have that, cut them to size and also cut the groove in them.

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Take your gorilla glue and put it in the grooves. You don’t need much at all because this glue will expand.

Then fit your mirror into the grooves and use your clamps to keep them into place.

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Let them dry for a bit and then you can take your corner brackets and screw them in to have that extra stability and support.

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Once it’s dry you can take it and put it in your favorite corner! Added bonus, once its up it’s great to hang jewelry or your hats on!

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